Monday, March 9, 2009

Beggers cant be choosers.

I started the new job last week, although Monday was my first day of actually teaching a full day of classes. This is going to be a long semester. I'm scheduled Monday and Wednesday to teach 8 hours, straight through with no lunch break. Yikes. Of course, no one really does that; for each two hour course we only teach an hour and a half, but still, that leaves me with 30 minutes for lunch and to relax/get ready between classes. Yesterday was my first day to do that and I felt like this afterwards, but with a headache:
It doesn't help that I couldn't sleep the night before from nerves, so maybe later in the semester it'll be easier once I'm not all jitters anymore. I sure hope that I learn to deal with this schedule soon, or else I'm going to turn into this:
Thank goodness for Tuesdays off and only one class on Thursday and Friday!


mmg said...

Cute kitty!

Andy - Instafather said...

That last photo will haunt my dreams.

Hope the new job has been good.