Saturday, March 7, 2009

Grapefruit of the sea

Sometimes it's surprising what you get in Korea. Frequently the translation leaves something to be desired, but I try to make that into an adventure; a tiny bit of excitement every time I order a meal at a new restaurant or try a drink for the first time.

Today's adventures included a quesadilla that lacked in the queso department but compensated with teriyaki sauce, buying Chinese booze in a juice cup, and ordering a grapefruit tea at a new (to me) cafe. Now, when you order something called grapefruit tea you might expect it to be tea with something to give it the flavoring of a grapefruit. What? How boring! You have no imagination.

No, this was the fruit from inside a grapefruit scooped into a giant mug, with hot water poured on top. And it was FREAKING AMAZING. I liked it so much I'm planning to have it every day once I move back to Texas where grapefruits are affordable. Plus, for those of us who appreciate aesthetics, the tea was beautiful; the top was a sea of pulp. A very delectably delicious sea. Maybe the pulp was the fish in the sea of hot grapefruit juice? I don't know, maybe that wasn't the best metaphor. In any case, it was damn good.

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